homecoming recap

senior year is full of lasts and homecoming is one of the many. i’m sure i’ve mentioned before how I attend an all girls school and because we don’t have a football theme we opt for a “gnimocemoh” which is a much more causal themed dance. however that’s in late October so the all boys school in my area has the formal homecoming. I danced at their football game last Friday night which is always a blast to have the girls from our school come out and cheer! We did a throwback routine and it was for sure a hitDSC_0517!




Then Saturday rolled around and it was time for the actual dance. I ended up doing 4 different hairstyles on 4 different girls and they came over for their getting ready process and it was seriously a blast. we jammed to everything from Potential Breakup Song from Aly&AJ to Shawn Mendes’s new song “Stitches” (which is SO good, 10/10 would reccomend) and they all ended up looking very very gorgeous. A few seriously ROCKED the high pony look, i even cornrowed a girl’s side of her hair!

My dress was from the Lilly Sale earlier this spring and I am in love with the navy and green. It wasn’t too springy but wasn’t straight black or brown with a super fall vibe. I even adorned one of my fav accessories, flash tats, and got so many compliments.




flash tat crew looking SO good

happy homecoming to you all! xoxo, Ally

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