reverse bucketlist

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June is my birthday month and therefore the ultimate best month of the year right next to October (because please TRY telling me you don’t simply adore everything pumpkin and then we can talk about October being great.) I’m going to be 17 on June 25 and ask anyone who is remotely close to me, I’m a HUGE birthday princess. like free starbucks and the “it’s my birthday” excuse are just the beginning of my rituals. So for all of June it’s birthday month here over on the blog which means daily, yes DAILY, posts and all kinds of fun surprises!

To start of the birthday fun let’s talk about how excited I am for my birthday (shocker) However this year I’m realizing that 17 means I’m getting a little older. How did I know this? Well for starters the top of “Ally’s Fabulous Birthday List” this year was a new bed comforter instead of younger Ally’s many American Girl Doll and her very own pony wishes. (don’t pretend like you didn’t have a horse phase because i for sure got the ‘Encyclopedia of Horses’ for a birthday gift one year) Anyways back to the whole being older thing, it makes you realize how many things you’ve actually accomplished. Being quite the dreamer I have a lot of goals that I look forward to achieving, but I never really take the time to congratulate myself for completing the goals I’ve made in the past. So here is a little “reverse bucket-list” if you may of some of my best adventures in these soon to be 17 years of Ally’s life.

go these 17 years being braces free– okay no credit to me on that one all the credit goes to genetics but hey thanks tooth fairy for that blessing. my already embarrassing tween photos and my parent’s wallet thanks you.

 switch schools- I moved schools in 4th grade and as scary as it was I’ve met some of the greatest people and have even kept old friendships. I’m so proud of my little 9 year old self for making that adjustment and powering through without mental breakdowns every day. so shout out to 4th grade ally.

 get myself to enjoy coffee- self explanatory.

finally convince my parents we NEED a dog- Bunny, our golden retriever, is the sweetest, and laziest, dog but she’s the best stress pal I’ve ever had. We got her when I was 15 and she’s been a loving part of the fan ever since.

 break out of my comfort zone- TALK TO PEOPLE EVEN IF YOU DON’T KNOW THEIR NAME OR ONLY HAVE ONE CLASS WITH THEM. for the longest time I shut myself into just people i was close friends with and found it way too awkward to try to make new friends (don’t ask me my reasonings for this bc i couldn’t really tell ya besides i was scared of looking stupid) i’ve honestly made so many good friends this year just through talking to people in classes (hey block g math: fail act prep together-stay together) and now having even more people to smile at in the hallway is a great feeling

get over my fear of x-rays at the dentist- it only took 14 years; no shame.

 befriend my parents as more than just parents– talk to your parents, i promise you they’re cooler than you think they are. find out why your entire family says you’re JUST like your dad (same exact facial expressions,sense of humor, and love of KU basketball) and go shopping with your mom enough to understand that not EVERYTHING she picks out is insanely out of style. (jk mom, jk.) they’re people just like you are and I tend to forget that a lot until i just talk to them and understand they’ve been through 99% of what I’m struggling with right now as a teenager.

be a sister- this one goes to my parents for having more kids after me…thanks guys. but also to all the other relationships I’ve formed of being a sister. through my school i’ve met so many girls who are insanely amazing and all inspire me every single day to remember how simple life can be if we all help each other out

 you guessed this one, start a blog!!!!!!!- truly the best decision I’ve ever made was to put myself out there and show some of my happy things to all of you who read. Writing is my ultimate creative outlet and if instagram counts as a hobby….I’m in. This blog has made me so much more confident in who I am and expressing myself and i adore each and every one of you who supports that and who loves it just as much, soooo much love and many hugs sent to you.

xo- here’s to many more adventures and love, Allison

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3 thoughts on “reverse bucketlist

  1. Alyssa says:

    First off, happy early birthday! I have to disagree though, December is truly the best month. I mean it has Christmas, New Years Eve, Taylor Swift’s birthday and my birthday! So yeah, I’m a little bit biased.

    Running Alyssa


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